Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This week's eats

This is the last week we will do our this week's eats blog post, as we're getting way to much out of the garden to keep photographing all of it, we don't want to seem like we're just bragging. 

Moving forward we will do a post of harvest on Fridays to show our market customers what they may be able to buy from us at the Golden Hill Farmer's Market beginning on July 16th if everything goes as planned. 

It was a fabulous tasting week here at Gidget's Garden.   

Our first Roma, they'll all be ready soon. 

The first beans we noticed; these are Purple Podded Pole Beans. We discovered many more after these. Yum. 

We let this zucchini get a little too large, they grow overnight! 

Gidget inquires; "Are we eating any REAL food this week, like chicken?"

Nice mix this day

Even more the next day. One of the first Japanese eggplants at bottom right. 

And another nice mix again the next day

Our first Kabocha squash

Jay Leno?

This zucchini was hiding from us. It's 16 inches long. We wouldn't let them get this big on purpose.

Gidget says; "I guess I'm going to have to eat this bug."
We can't wait to share some of this bounty with our customers at the market. We'll leave the bugs at home for Gidget.

1 comment:

  1. What A B E A U T I F U L bounty!!!!!!

    OMG Gidget!!!!!!!

    I am embarrassed to show what I have going on with my sorry little attempt at a garden. :(

